You have been hearing and reading reports that nothing was really accomplished at the summit and the United States in particular came home empty handed. Well this was my seventh summit and the seventh time I have heard that same chorus. You know it might be appropriate, a noted
bull-fighter wrote a poem, a few lines of which do seem appropriate, “the bull-fight critics ranked and rose, fill the enormous plaza full. But only one is there who rea
lly knows, and he is the one who fights the bull.” The truth is we came home from this summit with everything we had hoped to accomplish. And tonight I want to report to you on decisions
made there that directly affect you and your children’s economic future. I also have a special message, one that’s about our own economy. About actions that could jeopardize the kind of progress we made towards economic health last week in Venice. As well as the prosperity that during the last six years all of us here in America have worked so hard to achieve. But before beginning, I must make a personal note about something we saw on the last day of our journey when we stopped in Berlin to help celebrate the 750th anniversary of that noble city. I know that over the years many of you have seen the pictures and news clips of the wall that divides Berlin,
but believe me, no America who sees first hand the concrete and mortar, the guard posts, the machine gun towers, the dog runs and the barbed wire can ever again take for granted his or her freedom or the precious gift that is American. That gift of freedom is actually the birth right of all humanity, and thats why as I stood there, I urged the soviet leader Mr. Gorbachev to send a new signal of openness to the world by tearing down that wall.
Speaker: Ronald Reagan
Why was the speech important to society: informing the American public that they tore down the Berlin wall
What is the emotion, mood, tone, personality, feeling of the speech? Important and powerful, very informative tone and nice spacing and meaning
What is intonation, emphasis, what is loud, stressed, or soft. Where are there pauses... pauses are all emphasized by multiple spaces if they are not paused on a period or comma. Most of this speech seems not extremely different in the words he emphasizes.
What do you FEEL should be loud or soft, long pause or rushed? Underline words so be loud. Rushed are italics.
Is there a call to action? When listening to it what are key/em
phasized words? Could animate the things he sees at the wall before it was torn down or the word tear down could be animated.
How does it make you feel? Like you just listened to something that is going to have a great impact on the world
How do imagine that the audience felt? Inspired and informed
Could there be another interpretation of the speech? It could seem that the Americans forced Berlin to tear down their wall
Write/find a short bio, of the person giving the speech.
Innovative president Ronald Reagan was born to parents Nelle and John Reagan on February 6th of 1911 in Tampico Illinois.
Ronald Reagan spent his high school years at the school in the nearby town of Dixon and spent his college days working his way through Eureka college. While working his way through school Ronald Reagan studied economics and sociology, was a star football player and took a great interest in the theater community of the school.
After he completed college Ronald Reagan began a career as a sportscaster before a successful screen test in 1937 brought him to Hollywood. Over the course of the next two decades Ronald Reagan appeared in over fifty motion pictures. Disagreements over the communism involved in the movie industry raged as Ronald Reagan served as the president of the Screen Actors Guild. It was during this time of turmoil that this future presidents political views turned from liberal to quite conservative.
Ronald Reagan's first marriage was to Miss Jane Wyman. The couple produced children Maureen and Micheal. Unfortunately the marriage ended in divorce. In 1952 Reagan married fellow actor Nancy Davis. Their marriage produced children Patricia and Ronald.
In 1966 Ronald Reagan was elected the governor of California by a huge margin of one million votes. He won reelection in 1970. Ronald Reagan soon became the Republican nominee for president and choose then Texas congressman George H. Bush as his running mate. They won by a decisive amount over President Jimmy Carter. Sixty-nine days after taking office Ronald Reagan was shot by a would be assassin.
Ronald Reagan would probably be considered one of the most popular presidents in history. He strengthened relations with the Soviet Union and made the United States a strong world power. His graceful manner and warm humor where often the reason his popularity soared and will also be one of the many wonderful things this great leader will be forever remembered for.