Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Journal #4

Who is Bruce Mau? He is a visionary and world leading innovator who has several huge clients that he designs for. Not only does he have several large clients, but he also does work for children's books and even founded a company called Institution without Boundaries. This company does work to promote change in the world today.

Why is he interesting to us? His motto is, "Now that we can do anything, what can we do?" I think this a good motto for us to follow because it not only gets us to think about what we are doing with our project but also makes us think about the bigger picture and where our spreads will be seen and what sort of place they will be seen in.

What is the mantra you have chosen and why? Go Deep. I chose this because he says, "The deeper you go the more likely you are to find something of value." I think this is a really good idea to do when you are stuck on a project. You need to explore all possibilities of that project and in exploring you will come up with some idea that will be brilliant and original. The more time you put into something, the more you can get out of it.

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