Sunday, May 1, 2011

Journal 13

After watching Larry Lessig on laws that choke creativity, I picked out some quotes that I found interesting.
"You should love for the love of culture, not for the love of money"- I completely agree with this and think that people should love what they are doing and not because it is making them money but because it is what they want to do in their life.
"These tools of creativity have become tools of speech, it is a literacy for this generation. It is how our kids speak and how they think, it is what your kids are as they increasingly understand digital technologies and its relationship to who these kids are." - I also agree with this because I think that technology and its changing ammenities have also changed the people who we are today. Kids usually have a better understanding of technology than adults and I think that it makes it our right to teach others. Our adult figures in our lives have taught us so much and I think that it is only necessary for us to teach them.
"Rejects copy-write and believes that the law is nothing more than an ass to be ignored and to be fought at every opportunity possible." - I do think that some laws need to be changed and altered to our world today, but I strongly agree that copy-writing is not right. I think that people can twist others words, which only leads to more damage. Damage that can be avoided. However I know the common saying that art is never your own idea, and I agree with this. I know I personally before every project and during it spend hours looking for inspiration, but even though I find things that I like and might use them, I always make them my own in some way, shape or form. I think that there are a lot of ideas out there that have just not yet been thought of and it is our job to think of them and create them.
Overall I thought this talk was very interesting. I have never heard of an adult complaining about the rules of copy-writing and suggesting that it be legal in some way. I can not however say I completely agree with him but I think it is something that I would definitely be more interested in listening to him talk more about it.

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